Earth Overshoot Day 2022
July 28th. It is a date to consider. On this day, humanity has used up all the biological resources that Earth regenerates during the entire year. It is called Earth Overshoot Day and it is a day that comes earlier and earlier each year.
Anyone understands that we cannot live beyond our means in this way. Still, it continues. And it is the western world that clearly consumes the most resources. We who are the most privileged must look at ourselves in the mirror, because only we can do something about the unsustainable development.
Furthermore, the fact that Earth Overshoot Day occurs as late as July 28th is only because many countries, the poorest, consume significantly less resources than the prosperous countries. If everyone were to live the way we do in our home country Denmark, the whole year’s resources would be used up already at the end of March. It is equally bad if we look at our largest markets in the rest of Scandinavia, Germany and France.
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Our choise
As a Scandinavian company active in Europe, we want to take our responsibility. We are part of the problem but also part of the solution and we work in many different ways to make a difference. As of Q3 2022, we are a certified carbon positive company, which means that we not only have zero emissions but also contribute in various ways to further reduce energy consumption and emissions, actually reversing the effects of climate change. We also work with resource management, for example by using certified recycled materials in many of our garments. Look for the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) in our clothing range.
Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something. That is our message on this Earth Overshoot Day. And we who are fortunate enough to live in the most privileged part of the world must show the way.
Take action – #MoveTheDate